

Check out this page to catch up with our campaign against Secure DC and get updates on future campaigns against criminalization.

Use the Learn More page to get details about what’s in the Secure DC bill and why it’s so harmful.

The Latest

Tool: Know Your Rights

Posted April 1, 2024

✊🏽 The new Secure DC law will be used by MPD and other agencies to target more people based on an officers bias and assumptions. We created this Know Your Rights (KYR) tool for DC residents and visitors to know what they're protected from when engaging with police.

Download the flyer

The Archives

The Archives

Event: Teach-In

April 6, 2024 • 12pm - 2pm • 2500 MLK Ave. SE

🗓️ Black Lives Matter DC (BLM DC), Stop Police Terror Project (SPTP), Malcolm X Grassroots Movement - DMV Chapter (MXGM), Pan-African Community Action (PACA), and our partner Civil Rights Corps (CRC) host an in-person community Teach-In where they'll break down the new Secure DC law, its impact, especially on Black communities, and how we can respond.

RSVP for the Event • bit.ly/securedc24

Community: Breakdown

Posted March 5, 2024

🧵From Defund MPD: Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the crimnibus from a mega-thread of tweet threads about the bill: from introduction, to amendments, to packing the DC Council building during the first vote, to more amendments, to packing the DC Council again during the final vote.

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Updates: Final Vote

Posted March 5, 2024

🧵Today, DC Council will vote on the Secure DC Omnibus Crime Bill (or crimnibus) for the last time. Take action before the hearing and join us at the Wilson Building to help keep our communities safe!

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Updates: Amendments

Posted February 23, 2024

🧵While the bill passed its first vote, our collective pressure made a big difference and some harmful provisions were removed. BUT we still need to stop the many dangerous provisions that remain.

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Updates: Crimnibus 101

Posted February 27, 2024

A 🧵 on what an “omnibus” bill is, how the #SecureDC act was introduced, and background on the #UsNotCrimnibus campaign.

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Community: Breakdown

Posted February 29, 2024

From Advancement Project: Is DC’s Crimnibus really about OUR safety? NO! The Crimnibus not only gives unchecked power to police, it revives old, ineffective and racist practices that harms Black and brown communities.

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Community: DC Bringing Back Biden's 1994 Bill?

Posted February 26, 2024

From @msolurin: 30 years ago Joe Biden gave us the 1994 crime bill, responsible for the mass incarceration of so many Black ppl. Now, DC's Mayor would bring pieces of it back.

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WUSA9: DC Council
takes its first vote

Posted February 6, 2024

"What’s at stake is mass incarceration. What’s happening right now the expansion of criminality when it doesn’t get to the root of the problem."

Read the full story

Political ed with @frankieccentric_

Political ed with @frankieccentric_

News & Updates

Updates: Amendments

🧵While the bill passed its first vote, our collective pressure made a big difference and some harmful provisions were removed. BUT we still need to stop the many dangerous provisions that remain.

Read on Instagram

Updates: Crimnibus 101

A 🧵 on what an “omnibus” bill is, how the #SecureDC act was introduced, and background on the #UsNotCrimnibus campaign.

Read on Instagram

Op-Ed: SecureDC Won't Make Us Safer

"I was punched in the face by a stranger in DC, the secure dc omnibus bill would not have prevented that"

Read Kiah's Story

Updates: Call Council!
No Legislative Loopholes

NEW With only 1 business day ahead of the vote, CM Pinto has introduced versions of the crimnibus that would bypass public input and the budget process. This would make many provisions in Secure DC go into effect within 1 month. Tell Council to Vote NO on the Emergency bill and focus on amendments instead!

Community: Breakdown

From Advancement Project: Is DC’s Crimnibus really about OUR safety? NO! The Crimnibus not only gives unchecked power to police, it revives old, ineffective and racist practices that harms Black and brown communities.

Community: DC Bringing Back
Biden's 1994 Bill?

From @msolurin: 30 years ago Joe Biden gave us the 1994 crime bill, responsible for the mass incarceration of so many Black ppl. Now, DC's Mayor would bring pieces of it back.

WUSA9: DC Council
takes its first vote

"What’s at stake is mass incarceration. What’s happening right now the expansion of criminality when it doesn’t get to the root of the problem."

Read the full story

WUSA9: DC Council takes first vote

"What’s at stake is mass incarceration. What’s happening right now the expansion of criminality when it doesn’t get to the root of the problem."

Read the article

Political ed with @frankieccentric_

© Us Not Crimnibus Campaign 2024

© Us Not Crimnibus Campaign 2024

